Saturday, December 10, 2011

The case of the fallen tv

It could have been every parents worst nightmare, thankfully it wasn't.   Yesterday in the few minutes I had turned my back to make coffee the twins managed to push the close to 200 lb. tv over onto the floor.   I heard a loud bang and the dreaded delayed cry and ran into the playroom to find Rory standing on the tv cabinet and Charlie lying on the floor next to the overturned tv crying.   I could see a large bruise on his head and he was holding his side so I quickly ripped his clothes off to find a small puncture wound on his side and some red bruising.   Thank God my Dad had stopped by to play with the boys and I rushed Charlie to the doctor without having to bring all 3 kids.  Charlie was in shock just from fright, but I thought he had internal injuries and was in real shock.  I drove like a lunatic honking my horn and flashing my lights to pass people and even ran a red light.  Thank God he was just fine and we actually think he wasn't hit by the tv, but was also on the cabinet pushing it and fell on top of it.  Never a dull moment, but none the less we are counting our blessings.  By far the scariest moment I have experienced as a Mother to date.

In other news, Lucy is 4 moths old today.  To celebrate (well not really to celebrate as we were going anyway :) we took the family to breakfast with Santa or as the boys like to call him "Ass-a Claus".   It was going very well until some additional characters came out like Alvin the Chipmunk, Frosty the Snowman and Tony the Tiger (not exactly sure why Tony was there).  Charlie was absolutely terrified of them so after lots of yelling "go home" "all done" and "bye-byes" we decided not to torture him any longer and head home.  There is always next year :)

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